The following information has been confirmed by the receiver of BBWC.
Bills will go out next week and will include information about the approved rate increase.
The rate increase will be in effect on the next bill.
Please be aware your bill may be higher than expected due to the gap in billing.
Billing will be transitioned to monthly and an online bill pay option may be available in the future.
The receiver controls all of the revenue and accounts of BBWC.
There are approximately 100 customers (20%) who received bills and have not sent their payment This has a significant negative impact on everyone.
Please send your payment and promptly pay the new bill.
This is critical to keep the water flowing. BBWC is purchasing the majority of our water from SLVWD to meet demand and avoid outages. SLVWD rates are notably more than what we are charged by BBWC.
Cypress Water Services is working to replace meters that are defective.
If you suspect your meter is not working properly you need to contact Cypress Water Services.
If you have not received a bill you need to contact Cypress Water Services.
There are homes receiving BBWC supplied water who have never paid for their water service.
If you are one of those, or know of one of those, please contact Cypress Water Services.
It is critical everyone using water to be paying for their usage. Those who are not paying are passing the cost onto everyone else.
The receiver expects to schedule a Town hall in May to update the community about the current state of our water system.
Cypress at or (831) 920-6796